Heart Children's Home is a non-governmental charitable children's institution registered with the ministry of Labor and social services under the P.N. No. 0050085. Heart Children's Home is located in the outskirts of Malindi town in Kilifi County. The organization caters for children who are abandoned, orphaned, and living under the street family system. Each has been exposed to the elements and has undergone traumatizing experiences. Heart Children's Home's strength lies in having a Christian foundation and key staff, including the management team and a board of directors who are focused on the welfare and the needs of these children.
Many of the children have been through experiences where they have lost trust in the adult world. The vision is to harness community resources and capacity to develop and construct education facilities to promote sustainability for children in the area.
The main objective of the organization is to provide parental care and guidance to children in need of special care and protection. It also aims to enhance the overall quality education and addressing of factors leading to the distress of such children in the society.
1. Parental care and guidance
Through the development of a sustainable environment for children within the Heart family, the institution has strived to help these children achieve their potential abilities and to understand that being vulnerable for one reason or the other is not a fulfillment of their identity. Every individual child has been given the opportunity to base care plans which allow them to change their livelihood through parental guidance and counseling activities. The environment provides emotional and physical support to children who are under their care.
2. Education
Excellent education structures are the basic component towards a successful re-integration back to the community. Heart as an institution has an obligation to play through the provision of quality education to its children. Education plans and policies are reviewed with an ability to create an enabling environment for a better future for children in the institution. All enrolled children in this program are supported throughout their studies while also introducing into progressive chains of the country. This system is accomplished through curriculum-based activities.
3. Primary health care
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), health is a state of being physically and emotionally stable. According to the government of Kenya, Health policy is one of the key roles assigned through various sectors that are to help oversee children’s progress. At Heart key actions to achieve their primary health care services is to ensure that they are well immunized, have access to clean and safe water for general hygiene purposes and food that is free of chemicals and pathogens. Heart has been able to ensure that their children are well taken care of through a defined and coordinated health program.
4. Spiritual guidance
Children at Heart are brought up in a Christian affiliation. This is because Heart is a Christian-based organization, whose faith is anchored in the commitment of LORDSHIP of Jesus Christ as the savior of the world. However, the children are given the choice of which religion they are best able to observe and follow their guardianship.
5. Community outreach activities
As Heart continues to work for children who are vulnerable in the community, the institution has developed various pathways to help the community and the department of child protection center. Through all key efforts in maintaining health and active activities within the community. Emphasis is laid on the importance of children living with their family units.
From the previous reflection by the Heart family, board, management, staff, the relevant external stakeholders a clear historical reflection of growth and development both in size and quality is outlined thus providing a platform of where Heart stands today and where it should be in the near future, its role in the community, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, this has led to initiation of the process of reformulation of vision, mission statement, overall objectives, specific goals and activities for the next five years in a 5 year strategic plan.
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